Documents and Resources
- Guidance & Resources
- Documents & Resources
- Documents and Resources
Looking for a commonly used form, checklist, template, or online resource for SPA? Search for title keywords, types of documents, or topics below.
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Under the "Information Page" column below, click the link for the item to go a specific page for that document that can be bookmarked. It also offers helpful tips, related topics, and faqs.
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type | Topics |
Addgene MTA Site | An overview of the Material Transfer Agreement process for AddGene. |
Addgene MTA Site | Guides | Material Transfer Agreement |
Anticipation Request (GC70) Training Materials | A link to BusFin knowledgebase with information on accessing and completing the GC70 Request to Establish an Anticipation/Grant Fund form. |
GC70 Request to Establish Anticipation Knowledgebase | Resource Tools | Anticipation Funds & the GC70 System |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award. |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Anticipation Funds & the GC70 System |
BusFin Section 16.5.1 Review & Pay Subaward Invoices | Instructions and forms for reviewing subaward invoices. |
BusFin Section 16.15.1 Review and Pay Subaward Invoices | Guides | Subawards, Subaward Invoicing, Subaward Monitoring, Subaward Processing |
Business Policies & Guidelines - OVCRI Site Link | Details on specific research-related policies and guidelines on the OVCRI site. |
Business Policies and Guidelines - OVCRI Site | Resource Tools | |
Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) - Site Link | The Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) is one of several policy manuals for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The CAM includes policies and procedures as well as links to additional information on unit websites. |
Campus Administrative Manual | Resource Tools | |
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form | Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers. |
Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Cost Transfer |
Course Project Agreement Template | Used when students undertake a for-credit course for which they develop an independent research project. The purpose is to give students an opportunity to gain experience in solving real-world problems as part of their education. |
Course Project Agreement Template57.21 KB | Templates | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Data Use Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one. |
Data Use Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract Supporting Research - Matrix | A comparative-type matrix to help determine a Gift vs Grant vs Contract Supporting Research |
Gift, Grant and Contract Matrix PDF104.35 KB | Guides | Gift vs. Grant |
Distinguishing Between Revenue Generating, Technical Testing, Sponsored Service and Research | This table provides typical characteristics usually associated with revenue generating, technical testing, sponsored service, and research and can be used as guidance to help determine the appropriate activity type. |
Technical Testing-Sponsored Service-Research Table119.22 KB | Guides, Resource Tools | Types of Agreements |
Distinguishing Research Gifts versus Grants - FAQ Sheet | This document is meant to serve as a job aid to provide guidance to determine if a fund is a research gift or a grant. |
Distinguishing Research Gifts versus Grants - FAQ Sheet121.3 KB | Guides | Gift vs. Grant |
Effort Calculator | A chart provided by NIH that is helpful in calculating a person's months/effort. |
Effort_Calculator.xls29 KB | Resource Tools | Proposal Budgeting |
Establishing an Industry Affiliation Program | Guidance for establishing an industry affiliation program, including general purpose and principles, plus information on the approval process, execution of agreements, and administration of the funds. |
Establishing an Industry Affiliation Program162.13 KB | Guides | Industry and Private Funding |
F&A Rate Agreement (FY25) | Links to an overview page with a variety of resources relating to Federal F&A rates, including the current rates as pdfs (located on the right hand column on the linked page). |
FA Rate Agreement (FY25) Overview | Resource Tools | Proposal Guidance, Proposal Budgeting, Budget Justification, Rates (F&A, Fringe, Tuition Remission) |
Facilities Use Agreement | Effective 10/1/2021 all contracts for new FUAs will be managed by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Templates can be found on the Purchasing website. |
Facilities Use Agreement eForm | Templates | |
Facility Use Agreements (FUA) Templates | Link to UIUC Purchasing technical testing and facility use page. |
FUA Templates | Templates | |
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost | Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Cost Principles |
Fringe Rate Agreement (FY25) | The Fringe Benefits rates for use on grants, contracts and/or other agreements issued or awarded to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by all Federal Agencies of the USA, in accordance with the provisions and cost principles mandated by 2 CFR Part 200. |
Fringe Rate Agreement (FY25) | Resource Tools | Rates (F&A, Fringe, Tuition Remission) |
Funded Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes. |
Funded Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment Request Form | Use this form to make a payment against a general encumbrance. |
General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment Request Form945.58 KB | Forms | |
Gift vs. Grant Checklist | Job aid intended to provide guidance in determining if a transaction is a research gift or a grant. |
Gift vs. Grant Checklist136.63 KB | Checklists | Gift vs. Grant |
Government Costing Rate Schedules | (Rate schedule that includes Indirect (F&A) Cost Rates, Fringe Benefit Cost Rates, and Tuition Remission Cost Rate) |
Government Costing Rate Schedules | Resource Tools | Rates (F&A, Fringe, Tuition Remission) |
Grant Solutions User Account Request Form | Sponsor generated PDF form that must be completed by the prospective user and then signed and submitted by an Authorized Official (SPA) in order to obtain a new account in Grant Solutions. The form has been partially completed with the appropriate university details (legal name, address, DUNS, etc.). |
Grant Solutions - Pre-Filled Form.pdf171.91 KB | Forms | | Account | Link to information about how to establish a account. | Account | Resource Tools | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Guide for MTA Submission eForm | A brief overview with helpful notes for each field and examples for completing the MTA form. |
Guide for MTA Submission eForm PDF294.82 KB | Guides | Material Transfer Agreement, Award Negotiation and Execution |
Historical Summary Reports | System Government Costing compiles historical trends of expenditures, rates, and recoveries. |
Historical Summary Reports | Resource Tools | Rates (F&A, Fringe, Tuition Remission) |
Illinois CMS Business Enterprise Program - BEP/VBP Certification Portal | Search the database of registered and/or certified vendors for BEP/VBP. |
Illinois CMS Business Enterprise Program - BEP portal | Resource Tools | Small Business Subcontracting Plan (SBSP) |
Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) - Registered Vendor Directory | Search interface for the Illinois Procurement Gateway. |
Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) - Registered Vendor Directory | Resource Tools | Small Business Subcontracting Plan (SBSP) |
Incremental Funding Request eForm | eForm used to provide basic information to SPA for review and approval, enabling the sponsor to issue the next funding increment, for previously requested funds. Also known as non-competitive continuation. |
Incremental Funding Request Form - Online | Institutional Submissions, Forms | |
Indirect Cost Rates and Distribution Codes Guide | An excerpt from SPaRC'Ed Systems on Systems: Part II course with guidance related to tracking Indirect Cost Recovery in Banner. The slides include screenshots, helpful navigation hints, and information on who is responsible for data entry. |
Indirect Cost Rates and Distribution Codes Guide189.69 KB | Guides | Indirect Cost (F&A) Recovery and Distribution |
Letter of Intent (LOI) -UIUC is the Subaward | Use this template letter to obtain institutional approval on a proposal submission to a Pass through entity where UIUC acts as subawardee. This template was originally developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). |
Letter of Intent (LOI) on UIUC Letter head213.57 KB | Resource Tools, Templates | |
Letter of Intent—Illinois is the Pass-Through Entity (PTE) | Use this template letter to obtain institutional approval on a proposal submission for an institution that will be a subawardee to Illinois. This template was orignally developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). |
Letter of Intent—Illinois is the Pass-Through Entity (PTE)186.72 KB | Templates | Subaward Processing, Subawards |
Material Transfer eForm | An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs. |
Material Transfer eForm - Online | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Material Transfer Agreement, Award Negotiation and Execution |
myProposals | Login to MyProposals |
Login to myProposals | Resource Tools | Pre-Proposals, Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
MyProposals - PI / Approver Training Guide | Steps for approving, Certifying, or Disapproving Proposals (email or portal) |
MyProposals - PI / Approver Training Guide PDF | Guides | Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal | Submit basic information to SPA, triggering review of a pre-proposal, new proposal, renewal, continuation, or supplement. |
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
myProposals Help - General Information & FAQs | Helpful Tips and Common Questions for MyProposals |
myProposals Help and FAQs | Guides | Pre-Proposals, Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
MyProposals: PI / Approver Training Video | PI / Approver Training Video |
Go to the video | Using myProposals | |
MyResearch Portal | Link to the START MyResearch Portal |
Login to MyResearch | Resource Tools | Using myProposals, Award Negotiation and Execution, Proposal Submission to SPA |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type | Topics |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award. |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Anticipation Funds & the GC70 System |
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form | Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers. |
Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Cost Transfer |
Data Use Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one. |
Data Use Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost | Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Cost Principles |
Funded Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes. |
Funded Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Incremental Funding Request eForm | eForm used to provide basic information to SPA for review and approval, enabling the sponsor to issue the next funding increment, for previously requested funds. Also known as non-competitive continuation. |
Incremental Funding Request Form - Online | Institutional Submissions, Forms | |
Material Transfer eForm | An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs. |
Material Transfer eForm - Online | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Material Transfer Agreement, Award Negotiation and Execution |
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal | Submit basic information to SPA, triggering review of a pre-proposal, new proposal, renewal, continuation, or supplement. |
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm | This form should be used to request or modify an NDA/confidentiality agreement with SPA. SPA's NDA template is available here. |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new agreement, or modification to an agreement, with no funds. Specific forms should be used for MTAs, NDAs, and Software License or Data Use agreements. |
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Payroll Overpayment Form (GC-91) Form | Required to document the handling of payroll overpayments charged to sponsored project funding or federal formula grant funding. |
Payroll Overpayment Form (GC-91)217.37 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | |
Proposal Update eForm | eForm for submitting proposal updates requiring official approval to SPA, including budget revisions and just-in-time (JIT) requests. |
Proposal Update eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Using myProposals, Proposal Submission to SPA |
Re-grant Agreement | eForm used to request a new re-grant to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing re-grant. The definition of a re-grant can be found in the SPA glossary. |
Re-grant Agreement - Online Form | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution |
Request a General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment | Use this form to make a payment against a general encumbrance. |
Request General Encumbrance Payment - PDF Form945.58 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Subaward Invoicing, Subawards |
Subaward Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new subaward to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing subaward. |
Subaward Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Subawards, Subaward Processing |
Subaward Compliance and Assurance Statement Form | A form allowing subrecipients to self-disclose research related circumstances that may impact terms reflected in subawards. |
Subaward Compliance and Assurance Statement Form104.79 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Subawards, Subaward Processing |
Subrecipient Profile Form | A questionnaire completed by an organization receiving an outgoing sub-award in order to help assess risk by determining their financial and management strength. |
Subrecipient Profile Form252.83 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Subaward Processing, Subawards |
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following:
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | Institutional Submissions, Forms | Award Negotiation and Execution, Award Setup, Award Revisions |
Transfer Property Forms Equipment | Required when permanently transferring equipment to another institution, ensuring that the equipment to be transferred meets the criteria to be considered project research equipment. |
Equipment Transfer with Researcher Form141 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Anticipation Request (GC70) Training Materials | A link to BusFin knowledgebase with information on accessing and completing the GC70 Request to Establish an Anticipation/Grant Fund form. |
GC70 Request to Establish Anticipation Knowledgebase | Resource Tools |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award. |
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Course Project Agreement Template | Used when students undertake a for-credit course for which they develop an independent research project. The purpose is to give students an opportunity to gain experience in solving real-world problems as part of their education. |
Course Project Agreement Template57.21 KB | Templates |
Data Use Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one. |
Data Use Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Funded Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes. |
Funded Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Guide for MTA Submission eForm | A brief overview with helpful notes for each field and examples for completing the MTA form. |
Guide for MTA Submission eForm PDF294.82 KB | Guides |
Material Transfer eForm | An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs. |
Material Transfer eForm - Online | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
MyResearch Portal | Link to the START MyResearch Portal |
Login to MyResearch | Resource Tools |
Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement | Also referred to as a Proprietary Information Agreement or Confidentiality Agreement, this is an agreement that is used to protect the disclosure of information that a party deems confidential or proprietary. |
Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement41.99 KB | Templates |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm | This form should be used to request or modify an NDA/confidentiality agreement with SPA. SPA's NDA template is available here. |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm | eForm used to request a new agreement, or modification to an agreement, with no funds. Specific forms should be used for MTAs, NDAs, and Software License or Data Use agreements. |
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Re-grant Agreement | eForm used to request a new re-grant to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing re-grant. The definition of a re-grant can be found in the SPA glossary. |
Re-grant Agreement - Online Form | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Re-Grant Agreement Template | Used for agreements that are issued by the university to collaborating entities with funds that are passed through the institution; that is, the funds are from an internal source such as an ICR account or a gift. |
Re-Grant Agreement Template37.14 KB | Templates |
SBIR/STTR Allocation of Rights Template | Standard agreement template for a small business participating with UIUC in an SBIR or STTR project. |
SBIR/STTR Allocation of Rights Template50.06 KB | Templates |
Sponsored Research Agreement | An agreement with another entity that is providing funding for a research project being conducted under the direction of university faculty. |
Sponsored Research Agreement63.3 KB | Templates |
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following:
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template | This letter notifies PIs that the university is exercising its option to grant a no-cost extension for a contract or grant. |
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template20.72 KB | Templates |
Visiting Scientist Agreement | Used when university faculty are hosting a visitor from another institution or company to perform research in a university facility. |
Visiting Scientist Agreement90 KB | Templates |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Budget Revision | Use this template to request to revise the budget of a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university. |
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Budget Revision35 KB | Templates |
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Carry Forward | Use this template to request to carry forward funds for a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university. |
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Carry Forward34.5 KB | Templates |
Sponsor Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template | Use this template to request a no-cost extension for a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university. |
Sponsor Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template23.28 KB | Templates |
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following:
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template | This letter notifies PIs that the university is exercising its option to grant a no-cost extension for a contract or grant. |
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template20.72 KB | Templates |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following:
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
F&A Rate Agreement (FY25) | Links to an overview page with a variety of resources relating to Federal F&A rates, including the current rates as pdfs (located on the right hand column on the linked page). |
FA Rate Agreement (FY25) Overview | Resource Tools |
SPA Budget Template FY 25 | A budget template with Final FY 25 Rates created and maintained by SPA. It contains multiple worksheets to fit most sponsored project budget needs.
SPA Budget Template - FY25_1.xlsx178.69 KB | Templates |
SPA Budget Tools - FY25 | Includes location tool for determining if a project is on- or off-campus, travel tool, and travel fares resource. |
SPA budget tools- FY 25192.11 KB | Templates |
SPA Proposal Field Guide | The SPA Proposal Field Guide Plus is a reference guide designed to provide definitions and explanations for each field in myProposals, which is the system used to submit Pre-Proposals and Proposals review requests to SPA. |
Proposal Field Guide Plus.pdf957.94 KB | Guides |
Tuition Remission Letter (FY25) | The current rate pdf's are located on the right-hand side of the page which is linked above.
Tuition Remission Letter (FY25) 592.44 KB Tuition Remission Letter | Resource Tools |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Sponsored Project Closeout Checklist | Determine whether all sponsor and university obligations have been met prior to closure of a funded project. |
Sponsored Project Closeout Checklist234.68 KB | Checklists |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide | Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance. |
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide1.14 MB | Guides |
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions | Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance. |
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions1.28 MB | Guides |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost | Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) | Online form for Semi-Annual Confirmation Application - see Cost Sharing for more details below. |
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) | Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) | Online form for Semi-Annual Confirmation Application - see Cost Sharing for more details below. |
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) | Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form | Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers. |
Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB | Institutional Submissions, Forms |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Visitor Control Plan (VCP) Form | To ensure that controlled technologies or technical data are not inadvertently released to foreign nationals, departments hosting non-US visitors to campus must complete a Visitor Control Plan (VCP) if they have not completed the screening process. The VCP allows departments to detail these visitor interactions while on campus. |
Visitor Control Plan (VCP) Form710.62 KB | Forms |
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide | Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance. |
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide1.14 MB | Guides |
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions | Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance. |
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions1.28 MB | Guides |
Information Page | Summary | Link to Document | Type |
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract Supporting Research - Matrix | A comparative-type matrix to help determine a Gift vs Grant vs Contract Supporting Research |
Gift, Grant and Contract Matrix PDF104.35 KB | Guides |