Documents and Resources

Looking for a commonly used form, checklist, template, or online resource for SPA?   Search for title keywords, types of documents, or topics below.

*Want to bookmark a popular form or document? 
Under the "Information Page" column below, click the link for the item to go a specific page for that document that can be bookmarked.  It also offers helpful tips, related topics, and faqs.

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type Topics
Addgene MTA Site

An overview of the Material Transfer Agreement process for AddGene.

Addgene MTA Site Guides
Anticipation Request (GC70) Training Materials

A link to BusFin knowledgebase with information on accessing and completing the GC70 Request to Establish an Anticipation/Grant Fund form.

GC70 Request to Establish Anticipation Knowledgebase Resource Tools
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70)

Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award.

Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) Institutional Submissions, Forms
BusFin Section 16.5.1 Review & Pay Subaward Invoices

Instructions and forms for reviewing subaward invoices.

BusFin Section 16.15.1 Review and Pay Subaward Invoices Guides
Business Policies & Guidelines - OVCRI Site Link

Details on specific research-related policies and guidelines on the OVCRI site.

Business Policies and Guidelines - OVCRI Site Resource Tools
Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) - Site Link

The Campus Administrative Manual (CAM) is one of several policy manuals for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The CAM includes policies and procedures as well as links to additional information on unit websites.  

Campus Administrative Manual Resource Tools
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form

Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Course Project Agreement Template

Used when students undertake a for-credit course for which they develop an independent research project. The purpose is to give students an opportunity to gain experience in solving real-world problems as part of their education.

Course Project Agreement Template57.21 KB Templates
Data Use Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one.

Data Use Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract Supporting Research - Matrix

A comparative-type matrix to help determine a Gift vs Grant vs Contract Supporting Research

Gift, Grant and Contract Matrix PDF104.35 KB Guides
Distinguishing Between Revenue Generating, Technical Testing, Sponsored Service and Research

This table provides typical characteristics usually associated with revenue generating, technical testing, sponsored service, and research and can be used as guidance to help determine the appropriate activity type.

Technical Testing-Sponsored Service-Research Table119.22 KB Guides, Resource Tools
Distinguishing Research Gifts versus Grants - FAQ Sheet

This document is meant to serve as a job aid to provide guidance to determine if a fund is a research gift or a grant. 

Distinguishing Research Gifts versus Grants - FAQ Sheet121.3 KB Guides
Effort Calculator

A chart provided by NIH that is helpful in calculating a person's months/effort.

Effort_Calculator.xls29 KB Resource Tools
Establishing an Industry Affiliation Program

Guidance for establishing an industry affiliation program, including general purpose and principles, plus information on the approval process, execution of agreements, and administration of the funds.

Establishing an Industry Affiliation Program162.13 KB Guides
F&A Rate Agreement (FY25)

Links to an overview page with a variety of resources relating to Federal F&A rates, including the current rates as pdfs (located on the right hand column on the linked  page). 

FA Rate Agreement (FY25) Overview Resource Tools
Facilities Use Agreement

Effective 10/1/2021 all contracts for new FUAs will be managed by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Templates can be found on the Purchasing website.

Facilities Use Agreement eForm Templates
Facility Use Agreements (FUA) Templates

Link to UIUC Purchasing technical testing and facility use page.

FUA Templates Templates
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost

Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.


Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form Institutional Submissions, Forms
Fringe Rate Agreement (FY25)

The Fringe Benefits rates for use on grants, contracts and/or other agreements issued or awarded to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by all Federal Agencies of the USA, in accordance with the provisions and cost principles mandated by 2 CFR Part 200.

Fringe Rate Agreement (FY25) Resource Tools
Funded Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes.

Funded Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment Request Form

Use this form to make a payment against a general encumbrance.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment Request Form945.58 KB Forms
Gift vs. Grant Checklist

Job aid intended to provide guidance in determining if a transaction is a research gift or a grant.

Gift vs. Grant Checklist136.63 KB Checklists
Government Costing Rate Schedules

(Rate schedule that includes Indirect (F&A) Cost Rates, Fringe Benefit Cost Rates, and Tuition Remission Cost Rate)

Government Costing Rate Schedules Resource Tools
Grant Solutions User Account Request Form

Sponsor generated PDF form that must be completed by the prospective user and then signed and submitted by an Authorized Official (SPA) in order to obtain a new account in Grant Solutions. The form has been partially completed with the appropriate university details (legal name, address, DUNS, etc.).

Grant Solutions - Pre-Filled Form.pdf171.91 KB Forms Account

Link to information about how to establish a account. Account Resource Tools
Guide for MTA Submission eForm

A brief overview with helpful notes for each field and examples for completing the MTA form.

Guide for MTA Submission eForm PDF294.82 KB Guides
Historical Summary Reports

System Government Costing compiles historical trends of expenditures, rates, and recoveries.

Historical Summary Reports Resource Tools
Illinois CMS Business Enterprise Program - BEP/VBP Certification Portal

Search the database of registered and/or certified vendors for BEP/VBP.

Illinois CMS Business Enterprise Program - BEP portal Resource Tools
Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) - Registered Vendor Directory

Search interface for the Illinois Procurement Gateway.

Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) - Registered Vendor Directory Resource Tools
Incremental Funding Request eForm

eForm used to provide basic information to SPA for review and approval, enabling the sponsor to issue the next funding increment, for previously requested funds. Also known as non-competitive continuation.

Incremental Funding Request Form - Online Institutional Submissions, Forms
Indirect Cost Rates and Distribution Codes Guide

An excerpt from SPaRC'Ed Systems on Systems: Part II course with guidance related to tracking Indirect Cost Recovery in Banner. The slides include screenshots, helpful navigation hints, and information on who is responsible for data entry.

Indirect Cost Rates and Distribution Codes Guide189.69 KB Guides
Letter of Intent (LOI) -UIUC is the Subaward

Use this template letter to obtain institutional approval on a proposal submission to a Pass through entity where UIUC acts as subawardee. This template was originally developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP).

Letter of Intent (LOI) on UIUC Letter head213.57 KB Resource Tools, Templates
Letter of Intent—Illinois is the Pass-Through Entity (PTE)

Use this template letter to obtain institutional approval on a proposal submission for an institution that will be a subawardee to Illinois. This template was orignally developed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP).

Letter of Intent—Illinois is the Pass-Through Entity (PTE)186.72 KB Templates
Material Transfer eForm

An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs.

Material Transfer eForm - Online Institutional Submissions, Forms

Login to MyProposals

Login to myProposals Resource Tools
MyProposals - PI / Approver Training Guide

Steps for approving, Certifying, or Disapproving Proposals (email or portal)

MyProposals - PI / Approver Training Guide PDF Guides
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal

Submit basic information to SPA, triggering review of a pre-proposal, new proposal, renewal, continuation, or supplement.

myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal Institutional Submissions, Forms
myProposals Help - General Information & FAQs

Helpful Tips and Common Questions for MyProposals

myProposals Help and FAQs Guides
MyProposals: PI / Approver Training Video

PI / Approver Training Video 

Go to the video
MyResearch Portal

Link to the START MyResearch Portal

Login to MyResearch Resource Tools
Information Page Summary Link to Document Type Topics
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70)

Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award.

Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) Institutional Submissions, Forms
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form

Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Data Use Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one.

Data Use Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost

Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.


Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form Institutional Submissions, Forms
Funded Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes.

Funded Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Incremental Funding Request eForm

eForm used to provide basic information to SPA for review and approval, enabling the sponsor to issue the next funding increment, for previously requested funds. Also known as non-competitive continuation.

Incremental Funding Request Form - Online Institutional Submissions, Forms
Material Transfer eForm

An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs.

Material Transfer eForm - Online Institutional Submissions, Forms
myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal

Submit basic information to SPA, triggering review of a pre-proposal, new proposal, renewal, continuation, or supplement.

myProposals - Submit a Proposal or Pre-Proposal Institutional Submissions, Forms
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm

This form should be used to request or modify an NDA/confidentiality agreement with SPA. SPA's NDA template is available here.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new agreement, or modification to an agreement, with no funds. Specific forms should be used for MTAs, NDAs, and Software License or Data Use agreements.

Other Unfunded Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Payroll Overpayment Form (GC-91) Form

Required to document the handling of payroll overpayments charged to sponsored project funding or federal formula grant funding.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

Payroll Overpayment Form (GC-91)217.37 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Proposal Update eForm

eForm for submitting proposal updates requiring official approval to SPA, including budget revisions and just-in-time (JIT) requests.

Proposal Update eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Re-grant Agreement

eForm used to request a new re-grant to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing re-grant. The definition of a re-grant can be found in the SPA glossary.

Re-grant Agreement - Online Form Institutional Submissions, Forms
Request a General Encumbrance/Wire Transfer Payment

Use this form to make a payment against a general encumbrance.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

Request General Encumbrance Payment - PDF Form945.58 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Subaward Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new subaward to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing subaward.

Subaward Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Subaward Compliance and Assurance Statement Form

A form allowing subrecipients to self-disclose research related circumstances that may impact terms reflected in subawards. 

Subaward Compliance and Assurance Statement Form104.79 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Subrecipient Profile Form

A questionnaire completed by an organization receiving an outgoing sub-award in order to help assess risk by determining their financial and management strength.

Subrecipient Profile Form252.83 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF)

The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following: 

  1. change in the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  2. change in the lead unit (i.e., different 3-digit organization code) after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  3. a pending Principal Investigator new hire not in Banner.   
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) Institutional Submissions, Forms
Transfer Property Forms Equipment

Required when permanently transferring equipment to another institution, ensuring that the equipment to be transferred meets the criteria to be considered project research equipment.

Equipment Transfer with Researcher Form141 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms

Anticipation Funds & the GC70 System

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Anticipation Request (GC70) Training Materials

A link to BusFin knowledgebase with information on accessing and completing the GC70 Request to Establish an Anticipation/Grant Fund form.

GC70 Request to Establish Anticipation Knowledgebase Resource Tools
Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70)

Completed by departments to request an anticipation account, allowing investigators to incur project expenses prior to official execution of an award.

Anticipation, Expired, or Overdrafted Grant/Fund Request (GC70) Institutional Submissions, Forms

Award Negotiation and Execution

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Course Project Agreement Template

Used when students undertake a for-credit course for which they develop an independent research project. The purpose is to give students an opportunity to gain experience in solving real-world problems as part of their education.

Course Project Agreement Template57.21 KB Templates
Data Use Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new Data Use Agreement or modify an existing one.

Data Use Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Funded Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new award, or a modification to an existing award, that provides funding to the university. This includes any modifications to the initial agreement, e.g. sponsor-approved NCEs, PI changes, and reporting requirement changes.

Funded Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Guide for MTA Submission eForm

A brief overview with helpful notes for each field and examples for completing the MTA form.

Guide for MTA Submission eForm PDF294.82 KB Guides
Material Transfer eForm

An eForm for providing basic information to SPA guiding the review and negotiation of incoming MTAs.

Material Transfer eForm - Online Institutional Submissions, Forms
MyResearch Portal

Link to the START MyResearch Portal

Login to MyResearch Resource Tools
Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement

Also referred to as a Proprietary Information Agreement or Confidentiality Agreement, this is an agreement that is used to protect the disclosure of information that a party deems confidential or proprietary.

Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement41.99 KB Templates
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm

This form should be used to request or modify an NDA/confidentiality agreement with SPA. SPA's NDA template is available here.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Other Unfunded Agreement eForm

eForm used to request a new agreement, or modification to an agreement, with no funds. Specific forms should be used for MTAs, NDAs, and Software License or Data Use agreements.

Other Unfunded Agreement eForm Institutional Submissions, Forms
Re-grant Agreement

eForm used to request a new re-grant to be issued or to request a modification/amendment to an existing re-grant. The definition of a re-grant can be found in the SPA glossary.

Re-grant Agreement - Online Form Institutional Submissions, Forms
Re-Grant Agreement Template

Used for agreements that are issued by the university to collaborating entities with funds that are passed through the institution; that is, the funds are from an internal source such as an ICR account or a gift.

Re-Grant Agreement Template37.14 KB Templates
SBIR/STTR Allocation of Rights Template

Standard agreement template for a small business participating with UIUC in an SBIR or STTR project.

SBIR/STTR Allocation of Rights Template50.06 KB Templates
Sponsored Research Agreement

An agreement with another entity that is providing funding for a research project being conducted under the direction of university faculty.

Sponsored Research Agreement63.3 KB Templates
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF)

The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following: 

  1. change in the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  2. change in the lead unit (i.e., different 3-digit organization code) after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  3. a pending Principal Investigator new hire not in Banner.   
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) Institutional Submissions, Forms
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template

This letter notifies PIs that the university is exercising its option to grant a no-cost extension for a contract or grant.

University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template20.72 KB Templates
Visiting Scientist Agreement

Used when university faculty are hosting a visitor from another institution or company to perform research in a university facility.

Visiting Scientist Agreement90 KB Templates

Award Revisions

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Budget Revision

Use this template to request to revise the budget of a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university.

Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Budget Revision35 KB Templates
Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Carry Forward

Use this template to request to carry forward funds for a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university.

Sample Request for a Sponsor Approved Carry Forward34.5 KB Templates
Sponsor Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template

Use this template to request a no-cost extension for a contract or grant agreement between a sponsor and the university.

Sponsor Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template23.28 KB Templates
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF)

The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following: 

  1. change in the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  2. change in the lead unit (i.e., different 3-digit organization code) after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  3. a pending Principal Investigator new hire not in Banner.   
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) Institutional Submissions, Forms
University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template

This letter notifies PIs that the university is exercising its option to grant a no-cost extension for a contract or grant.

University Approved No-Cost Extension Request Template20.72 KB Templates

Award Setup

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF)

The SAF is used to capture internal approvals for the following: 

  1. change in the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  2. change in the lead unit (i.e., different 3-digit organization code) after the proposal has been submitted or award has been executed.
  3. a pending Principal Investigator new hire not in Banner.   
Supplemental Approval Form (SAF) Institutional Submissions, Forms

Budget Justification

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
F&A Rate Agreement (FY25)

Links to an overview page with a variety of resources relating to Federal F&A rates, including the current rates as pdfs (located on the right hand column on the linked  page). 

FA Rate Agreement (FY25) Overview Resource Tools
SPA Budget Template FY 25

A budget template with Final FY 25 Rates created and maintained by SPA. It contains multiple worksheets to fit most sponsored project budget needs.



SPA Budget Template - FY25_1.xlsx178.69 KB Templates
SPA Budget Tools - FY25

Includes location tool for determining if a project is on- or off-campus, travel tool, and travel fares resource.

SPA budget tools- FY 25192.11 KB Templates
SPA Proposal Field Guide

The SPA Proposal Field Guide Plus is a reference guide designed to provide definitions and explanations for each field in myProposals, which is the system used to submit Pre-Proposals and Proposals review requests to SPA. 

Proposal Field Guide Plus.pdf957.94 KB Guides
Tuition Remission Letter (FY25)

The current rate pdf's are located on the right-hand side of the page which is linked above.


Tuition Remission Letter (FY25) 592.44 KB Tuition Remission Letter Resource Tools

Closeout Award

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Sponsored Project Closeout Checklist

Determine whether all sponsor and university obligations have been met prior to closure of a funded project.

Sponsored Project Closeout Checklist234.68 KB Checklists


Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide

Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance.

Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide1.14 MB Guides
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions

Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance.

Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions1.28 MB Guides

Cost Principles

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost

Submit this form to request an exception from SPA allowing a restricted cost to be treated as a direct cost on a particular project.


Form A — Direct Charge Certain Item(s) of Cost - Online Form Institutional Submissions, Forms

Cost Sharing

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online)

Online form for Semi-Annual Confirmation Application - see Cost Sharing for more details below.

Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) Forms

Cost Sharing and Activity Reporting System (ARS)

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online)

Online form for Semi-Annual Confirmation Application - see Cost Sharing for more details below.

Semi-Annual Confirmation Application (Online) Forms

Cost Transfer

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Cost Transfer Justification (GC-81) Form

Completed by departments to process non-current cost transfers.
Note: Download this form—browser PDF readers are not compatible with it.

Form-GC81-Cost-Transfer-Justification.pdf663.23 KB Institutional Submissions, Forms

Export Control

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Visitor Control Plan (VCP) Form

To ensure that controlled technologies or technical data are not inadvertently released to foreign nationals, departments hosting non-US visitors to campus must complete a Visitor Control Plan (VCP) if they have not completed the screening process. The VCP allows departments to detail these visitor interactions while on campus.

Visitor Control Plan (VCP) Form710.62 KB Forms
Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide

Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance.

Visual Compliance Screening - Complete Guide1.14 MB Guides
Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions

Visual Compliance is a software program that allows the University to conduct screening of the various lists administered by government agencies that control export regulations and compliance.

Visual Compliance Screening - Quick Instructions1.28 MB Guides

Gift vs. Grant

Information Page Summary Link to Document Type
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract Supporting Research - Matrix

A comparative-type matrix to help determine a Gift vs Grant vs Contract Supporting Research

Gift, Grant and Contract Matrix PDF104.35 KB Guides