Staff Directory

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Jayne Goby

Jayne Goby

Associate Director, Policy and Data Management


Jayne manages data retrieval and analysis and automated tool development, supporting the research reporting needs of sponsors and the University of Illinois System. She also oversees various online systems and processes including cost share and semi-annual expenditure confirmations.

Professional Headshot of Steve Goodreau smiling

Steven Goodreau

Award Negotiator


Steve is responsible for timely negotiation of various types of sponsored project agreements, ensuring reasonable terms and conditions that comply with university policies, federal and state regulations, and sponsor requirements.

Professional Headshot of Hannah Gorrie smiling

Hannah Gorrie

Proposal Coordinator


Hannah reviews and approves requests for external funding (i.e., proposals) on behalf of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation. Find Hannah's department assignments here.

Professional Headshot of Yen Vi Green smiling

Yen Vi Green

Coordinator, Audit and Compliance


Yen Vi coordinates the functions of the administrative division in SPA. Special emphasis is placed on compliance with institutional policies and procedures, state and federal law, and contractual obligations.