FY22 (Provisional) Fringe Benefit Rates
The provisional FY22 Fringe Benefit Rates were announced this afternoon. The updated Rate Schedule, which includes the final FY21-24 F&A Rates, the final FY22 Tuition Remission Rate, and the aforementioned provisional FY22 Fringe Benefit Rates, is available on OBFS Government Costing’s Rate Schedule page. These rates are immediately effective in Banner. However, if you previously submitted or are within two days of submitting a proposal to SPA, then you may choose to proceed with the FY21 Fringe Benefit Rates in your proposal budget.
The SPA Budget Template has been updated to reflect the FY22 Fringe Benefit Rates and is available on the SPA Templates page. In addition to the FY22 Fringe Benefit Rates, the SPA Budget Template includes a new template:
Component – Detailed: This new template, modeled after the “General – Detailed” template, enables users to create more detailed budgets when there is more than one component in a single period, including Cost Share, UIC, UIS, or Other. As with the all the other templates, one can easily add rows to include additional costs within each budget category. Other features are highlighted below:
- Institutional Base Salary & Effort: This template provides fields to add annual and monthly Institutional Base Salary (see CAM HR-24). Additionally, it provides fields to enter and utilize person-months (by period) to calculate salary costs.
- Subagreement Calculation: This template auto-calculates F&A costs on the first $25,000 for each subagreement. This feature also enables one to more easily confirm the period and overall amounts for each subagreement.
- Other Personnel Details: This template includes a summary of Other Personnel by category. This feature enables users to both detail each position (for improved fidelity) and use the categorical summary for data entry in sponsor budget templates. For example, the summary will count the number of Research Assistants and person-months by period.
- Third Party Cost Sharing: When using for a Cost Share component, this template enables users to more easily capture third party cost share commitments by entity name. In addition, as with the dedicated “Cost Share” template, the last column will auto-calculate the costs for entry into the myProposals Budget section.