Contacts for this Unit:
College of Vice Chancellor for Diversity

Business Community Econ Dev (1-394)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-394
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-394
Award Negotiator Julie Robinson Schaeffer (217) 244-4753 1-394
Award Negotiator - Backup Paula Pratas Jorge (217) 244-8824 1-394
Campus Belonging (1-534)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-534
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-534
Award Negotiator Julie Robinson Schaeffer (217) 244-4753 1-534
Award Negotiator - Backup Paula Pratas Jorge (217) 244-8824 1-534
Diversity Committee & Advocacy (1-267)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-267
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-267
Award Negotiator Sarah Hasib 1-267
Award Negotiator - Backup Justin Blount 1-267
Unit Proposal Approver Assata Zerai (217) 333-7119 1-267
Illinois Scholars Program (1-852)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Award Negotiator - Backup Paula Pratas Jorge (217) 244-8824 1-852
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-852
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-852
Award Negotiator Julie Robinson Schaeffer (217) 244-4753 1-852
Office for Access and Equity (1-433)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-433
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-433
Award Negotiator Sarah Hasib 1-433
Award Negotiator - Backup Justin Blount 1-433
Unit Proposal Approver Heidi Johnson (217) 333-0885 1-433
Title IX Office (1-930)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-930
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-930
Award Negotiator Justin Blount 1-930
Award Negotiator - Backup Francis Thomas (217) 300-5406 1-930
Unit Proposal Approver Danielle Fleenor (217) 333-3333 1-930
Vice Chancellor for Diversity (1-594)
Contact Type Contact Name Dept Code
Proposal Coordinator Stephanie Fellmann (217) 265-7682 1-594
Proposal Coordinator - Backup Katherine Bateman 1-594
Award Negotiator Sarah Hasib 1-594
Award Negotiator - Backup Justin Blount 1-594