Research Topic



Pre-Proposals (white papers, letter of intent, etc.) must go through SPA if the submission requires either the signature of an authorized representation or submission by an authorized representative. All pre-proposals should be submitted to SPA through myProposals at least four (4) business days prior to the sponsor deadline date. The SPA Proposal Field Guide, linked below, is a reference guide designed to provide definitions and explanations for each field in myProposals. 


SPA Proposal Field Guide

Steps for Submitting a Pre-Proposal for Review

Step 1: Determine the appropriate proposal type of "Pre-Proposal"

Step 2: Add all proposal information and documents to a new myProposals proposal transmittal 

Step 3: Obtain all necessary project approvals - PIs, co-PIs/MPIs, and Co-Is via the myResearch Portal

Step 4: Submit the myProposals proposal transmittal to SPA at least four (4) business days prior to the sponsor deadline date

Pre-Proposal Submission Procedures

Ready for Submission?

The following attachments are typically required for pre-proposal packages:

  1. Budget *Only if required by the sponsor
  2. Budget Justification *Only if a budget is required by the sponsor
  3. Statement of Work
  4. Proposal Guidelines (if applicable; please also provide a URL for the guidelines in "notes")
  5. Any other materials as required by the sponsor

Pre-Proposal Approvals

A pre-proposal submission via myProposals requires key personnel approval (PI, co-PI/co-I). Lead unit approval is NOT required for submission to SPA. Additional approvals can be added as necessary based on internal department procedures.

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